Realize the benefits of being a UTA member! Receive discounts on just about everything from roadside assistance and health programs to marketing! Just fill out this form and you'll be contacted by a UTA Representative.

United Truckers Association
9090 FM 1026
Gouldbusk, TX 76845

Phone: 305-957-7672
Fax: 956.425.9350

Make your payment with PayPal & Credit cards.

For more information please call our administration office

Membership: *
Contact Name: *
Company: *
Street: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
Contact Phone Number: *
E-mail: *
Number of Trucks owned: *
Do you own Trailer: * YES NO
Do you have your own authority: * YES NO
Comment: *
I agree with the Membership Terms and Conditions